What’s Your Picnic Basket Personality? What’s Your Picnic Basket Personality?

What’s Your Picnic Basket Personality?

April 21, 2023 by Brooke Hansen

Did you know it’s National Picnic Day this weekend? We know, we’re shocked we had to work today too. But whenever you’re celebrating, you don’t have to get ready for National Picnic Day if you stay READY! But which is the perfect picnic basket for you?! To help you celebrate, we put together THE official Picnic Time Picnic Personality Quiz… 

What’s your favorite outfit?

A: Beret and stripes, c’est magnifique!

B: Anything that works with my hiking boots.

C: Something my sweetheart gave me.

D: Full-fam-matching-PJ’s!

E: Varies - I have the right outfit for every occasion.

What’s your dream vacation destination?

A: Paris!

B: The Grand Canyon

C: Anywhere is great as long as I’m with my special someone

D: An amusement park

E: Anywhere we go, I’ll plan the perfect intenerary

It’s movie night - what are you watching?

A: An artsy foreign film

B: A nature documentary

C: A romantic comedy

D: An animated family-friendly film

E: Whatever is highest-rated on Rotten Tomatoes

It’s alumni weekend - what are you reminiscing about?

A: My semester abroad

B: My semester at sea

C: My first love

D: Sleeping in - will I ever get to do that again?!

E: My time as student body president

FINAL question - what’s IN your picnic basket?

A: Wine, cheese, bread, chocolate - done.

B: Snacks for the journey and a meal for the view.

C: My sweetie’s favorite meal.

D: Enough for the whole fam - and a nice bottle for mom and dad.

E: The ultimate picnic feast!

Mostly A's: Tres Chic Picnique

The Parisian Picnic Basket is the epitome of classic-meets-unique style - with plenty of room for a bottle of wine and a baguette.

Mostly Bs: All-Terrain Snacker

You’re on the go in the great outdoors, and the PT Colorado Picnic Cooler Backpack is right there with you! 

Mostly C's: Classic Romantic

For a touch of vintage-chic romance, you cannot go wrong with the Heart Picnic Basket.

Mostly D's: Fun for the Whole Family

For family size fun - and a family size picnic meal kept the temperature you need it - look no further than the PT Frontier Picnic Utility Cooler.

Mostly E's: The Picnic Completist

For those who like things to be just so - and go out of their way to make it so - the Windsor Picnic Basket is the ultra-deluxe picnic basket set.

Don’t forget to tag us when you share your results on social media. No matter your picnic basket choice, we’re glad to wish you a happy National Picnic Day!

  • Team Picnic


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